Start by bringing a cup of water to a boil in a saucepan or kettle. Ensure that the water is fresh and filtered for the best flavor.
Step 2: Brewing Green Tea
Once the water reaches a rolling boil, add the green tea leaves or tea bag. Let it steep for about 2-3 minutes to extract the beneficial compounds from the tea.
Step 3: Adding Lemon, Ginger, And Turmeric
After steeping the tea, squeeze the juice from the lemon slice into the tea. Add the grated ginger and turmeric powder as well. These ingredients will enhance the flavor and contribute to the tea’s health benefits.
Step 4: Sweetening With Honey And Cinnamon
To add a touch of sweetness and warmth, stir in the honey and cinnamon powder. Adjust the amount of honey based on your personal preference for sweetness.
Step 5: Adding Cayenne Pepper And Black Pepper
For a subtle kick of heat and an extra health boost, sprinkle in a pinch of cayenne pepper and black pepper. These spices can help improve digestion and metabolism.
Step 6: Mixing In Coconut Milk
Next, pour in the coconut milk to create a creamy texture and add a hint of tropical flavor to the tea. Stir well to ensure all the ingredients are thoroughly combined.
Step 7: Straining And Serving
Finally, strain the tea into a cup or mug to remove any solids or tea leaves. This will result in a smooth and enjoyable beverage. Savor the aromatic aroma and vibrant color as you pour the tea into your favorite cup. Your Silver Lining Loaded Tea is now ready to be enjoyed!